Friday, September 09, 2005

Texas Wildflowers

In mid-April we traveled to the hill country of Texas to see an extravaganza of wildflowers growing along DeWitt County country roads. The wildflowers are Lady Bird Johnson's legacy and gift to America as she inspired so many of the roadside and city beautification projects we enjoy today.

Start your Texas wildflower tour with a stop at DeWitt County Wildflower Association's headquarters in Cuero, Texas. There you will find fresh samples of all the wildflowers picked early each morning displayed in bud vases with both their botanic and common names. You'll get a wildflower road map and advice on which are the most scenic roads of the day. These dedicated ladies invite everyone to come to Texas in April and see for themselves why DeWitt County is the official wildflower capital of Texas!

These are Texas Bluebonnets and Coreopsis. You can see more wildflower pictures at

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